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For the 20th edition of the Festival International de l’affiche et du graphisme de Chaumont, one of the most important graphic design event in the world, the organizing commitee invited 20 designers from all around the world to create the 2009 edition poster.

All the series, commisioned by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, is showed at the Hotel de Ville of Chaumont before touring in France and abroad after the Festival.

The Festival opening is on the 16th of May 2009.

Together with Leonardo Sonnoli, has been invited: Isidro Ferrer (Spain), Reza Abedini (Iran), Paulina Matusiak (Netherlands), Piotr Mlodozeniec (Poland), Christoph Niemann (Usa), Alexandra Noth & Megi Zumstein (Switzerland), Istvan Orosz (Hungria), Pony Ldt (United Kingdom), R2 Design (Portugal), Claudia Roethlisberger (Switzerland), Thonik (Netherlands), Vanessa Verillon (France), Henning Wagenbreth (Germany).

The poster designed by Leonardo Sonnoli is a big number 20 composed with many elements from the CMYK test strips. The series is composed by 4 posters, each printed in one color: CMYK’s black, metallic bronze, fluo magenta and a reflex blue solid color. Each of them represent a different way to print. All together the printing of 20 years of posters.